Saturday, November 29, 2008
news on
Let me suggest you with some interesting blogs to visit like mottamaadi,icanaccessmyaccount and iloveyahoooo..Also try to visit other sites like monogamicman,amilliondeaths and runalongwithme
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A blog is your easy-to-use web site, where you can quickly post thoughts,interact with people, and more.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Cool Glasses
.IS there anyone looking for cool eye glasses.Then you got to visit opticals has several color eye glasses that are extremely cool and catchy.They are also cheap when compared to other shops.They provide free shipping facility as well.SO people visit zenni optical today and choose the best glasses that you can ever get.
Sales are the activities involved in selling products or services in return for money or other compensation. It is an act of completion of a commercial activity.
The "deal is closed", means the customer has consented to the proposed product or service by making full or partial payment (as in case of installments) to the seller.[citation needed]
Academically, selling is thought of as a part of marketing, however, the two disciplines are completely different. Sales often forms a separate grouping in a corporate structure, employing separate specialist operatives known as salespeople (singular: salesperson). Sales is considered by many to be a sort of persuading "art". Contrary to popular belief, the methodological approach of selling refers to a systematic process of repetitive and measurable milestones, by which a salesperson relates his or her offering of a product or service in return enabling the buyer to achieve their goal in an economic way.
The "deal is closed", means the customer has consented to the proposed product or service by making full or partial payment (as in case of installments) to the seller.[citation needed]
Academically, selling is thought of as a part of marketing, however, the two disciplines are completely different. Sales often forms a separate grouping in a corporate structure, employing separate specialist operatives known as salespeople (singular: salesperson). Sales is considered by many to be a sort of persuading "art". Contrary to popular belief, the methodological approach of selling refers to a systematic process of repetitive and measurable milestones, by which a salesperson relates his or her offering of a product or service in return enabling the buyer to achieve their goal in an economic way.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Blog advertising
I am happy to inform that i have joined blogging one month back and started earning now. I found many interesting features in blogging.. Blogging not only gives us pleasure in having entertainment but also helps us gaining some money ..
Payperpost is one of the best site to work with. Peyperpost helps us gaining money through blog advertising.Advertisers are also benefited by their products being advertised by bloggers. Through this we can earn few dollars. And most important issue is that we should follow certain rules while applying for payperpost. Basic Ethics need to be followed. Blog advertising helps in listing out the important features of the products directly to the bloggers with free of cost. This increase their sales ans benefits them in lot more ways. Through blog advertising we can have clear idea about the products and also their drawbacks. Clear picture of the product is examined through blog advertising.
Thus blogging helps us i many ways like learning and earning. I feel the comfort of enjoying the benefits of blogging.. And i wish you too can enjoy like me.. Just join now and have fun .. Learn and earn.......
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Time travel
It is one of the hottest topics around.Many movies depict that time travel is possible and shows heroes moving from one time period to another.All the evidence is, that the universe started out in the Big Bang, without the kind of warping needed, to allow travel into the past. Since we can't change the way the universe began, the question of whether time travel is possible, is one of whether we can subsequently make space-time so warped, that one can go back to the past. I think this is an important subject for research, but one has to be careful not to be labeled a crank. If one made a research grant application to work on time travel, it would be dismissed immediately. No government agency could afford to be seen to be spending public money, on anything as way out as time travel. Instead, one has to use technical terms, like closed time like curves, which are code for time travel. Although this lecture is partly about time travel, I felt I had to give it the scientifically more respectable title, Space and Time warps. Yet, it is a very serious question. Since General Relativity can permit time travel, does it allow it in our universe? And if not, why not.I'll explain about it later
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Latest development in theoritical physics is the development of string theory.I am going to explain about it in detail. Cosmic strings are a remarkable idea of theoretical physics, which science fiction writers don't really seem to have caught on to. As their name suggests, they are like string, in that they have length, but a tiny cross section. Actually, they are more like rubber bands, because they are under enormous tension, something like a hundred billion billion billion tons.A cosmic string attached to the Sun would accelerate it naught to sixty, in a thirtieth of a second.Cosmic strings may sound far-fetched, and pure science fiction, but there are good scientific reasons to believed they could have formed in the very early universe, shortly after the Big Bang. Because they are under such great tension, one might have expected them to accelerate to almost the speed of light.These aren't musical strings they are really complicated.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Most of us do not know who is Goedel.Let me explain about him now.KurtGoedel found a solution of the field equations of General Relativity, which represents auniverse in which all the matter was rotating. In this universe, it would be possible to go off in a space ship, and come back before you set out. Goedel was at the Institute of Advanced Study, in Princeton, where Einstein also spent his last years. He was more famous for proving you couldn't prove everything that is true, even in such an apparently simple subject as arithmetic. But what he proved about General Relativity allowing time travel really upset Einstein, who had thought it wouldn't be possible.We now know that Goedel's solution couldn't represent the universe in which we live, becauseit was not expanding. It also had a fairly large value for a quantity called the cosmological constant, which is generally believed to be zero.
Monday, June 30, 2008
End of space travel
His theory also put an end ti the hypes about time travel. Einstein showed that the rocket power needed to accelerate a space ship, got greater and greater, the nearer it got to the speed of light. So it would take an infinite amount of power, to accelerate past the speed of light.Einstein's paper of 1905 seemed to rule out time travel into the past. It also indicated that space travel to other stars, was going to be a very slow and tedious business. If one couldn't go faster than light, the round trip to the nearest star, would take at least eight years, and to the center of the galaxy, at least eighty thousand years. If the space ship went very near the speed of light, it might seem to the people on board, that the trip to the galactic center had taken only a few years. But that wouldn't be much consolation, if everyone you had known was dead and forgotten thousands of years ago, when you got back. That wouldn't be much good for space Westerns. So writers of science fiction, had to look for ways to get round this difficulty.This made me worry since i can not go back to my child hood again.
Sun warping the space
Gravity also is a pretty interesting topic .In his 1915 paper, Einstein showed that the effects of gravity could be described, by supposing that space-time was warped or distorted, by the matter and energy in it. We can actually observe this warping of space-time, produced by the mass of the Sun, in the slight bending of light or radio waves, passing close to the Sun. This causes the apparent position of the star or radio source, to shift slightly, when the Sun is between the Earth and the source. The shift is very small, about a thousandth of a degree,equivalent to a movement of an inch, at a distance of a mile. Nevertheless, it can be measured with great accuracy, and it agrees with the predictions of General Relativity. We have experimental evidence, that space and time are warped. The amount of warping in our neighbourhood,is very small, because all the gravitational fields in the solar system, are weak.However, we know that very strong fields can occur, for example in the Big Bang, or in black holes. So, can space and time be warped enough, to meet the demands from science fiction, for things like hyper space drives,wormholes, or time travel.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Time and space interlinked
Einstein had realized in 1905, that space and time, are intimately connected with eachother. One can describe the location of an event by four numbers. Three numbers describe theposition of the event. They could be miles north and east of Oxford circus, and height abovesea level. On a larger scale, they could be galactic latitude and longitude, and distance from the center of the galaxy. The fourth number, is the time of the event. Thus one can think of space and time together, as a four-dimensional entity, called space-time. Each point of spacetime is labeled by four numbers, that specify its position in space, and in time. Combining space and time into space-time in this way would be rather trivial, if one could disentangle them in a unique way. That is to say, if there was a unique way of defining the time and position of each event. However, in a remarkable paper written in 1905, when he was a clerk in the Swiss patent office, Einstein showed that the time and position at which one thought an event occurred, depended on how one was moving. This meant that time and space, were inextricably bound up with each other. The times that different observers would assign to events would agree if the observers were not moving relative to each other. But they would disagree more, the faster their relative speed. So one can ask, how fast does one need to go,in order that the time for one observer, should go backwards relative to the time of another observer.Interesting na...I liked this very much
Sunday, June 22, 2008
From Riemann to Einstein
So how did Einstein's theory of relativity enter the picture?.Let us see.This example shows that one can not deduce the geometry of the world from first principles, as the ancient Greeks thought. Instead, one has to measure the space we live in, and find out its geometry by experiment. However, although a way to describe curved spaces, was developed by the German, George Friedrich Riemann, in 1854, it remained just a piece of mathematics for sixty years. It could describe curved spaces that existed in the abstract, but there seemed no reason why the physical space we lived in, should be curved. This came only in 1915, when Einstein put forward the General Theory of Relativity.General Relativity was a major intellectual revolution that has transformed the way we think about the universe. It is a theory not only of curved space, but of curved or warped time as well. So in came Einstein
Thursday, June 19, 2008
:Three dimensional Painters example
I'll explain about dimensions with examples now.So three dimensions, seems to be the minimum for life. But just as one can think of two dimensional beings living on the surface of the Earth, so one could imagine that the three dimensional space in which we live, was the surface of a sphere, in another dimension that we don't see. If the sphere were very large, space would be nearly flat, and Euclidean geometry would be a very good approximation over small distances. But we would notice that Euclidean geometry broke down, over large distances. As an illustration of this, imagine a team of painters, adding paint to the surface of a large ball. As the thickness of the paint layer increased, the surface area would go up. If the ball were in a flat three-dimensional space, one could go on adding paint indefinitely, and the ball would get bigger and bigger. However, if the three-dimensional space, were really the surface of a sphere in another dimension, its volume would be large but finite. As one added more layers of paint, the ball would eventually fill half the space. After that, the painters would find that they were trapped in a region of ever decreasing size, and almost the whole of space, was occupied by the ball, and its layers of paint. So they would know that they were living in a curved space, and not a flat one.Understood huh??
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Dimensions are confusing but really interesting
One of the most important topics is the dimensions.If you had not heard about this earlier you will be stunned for sure after you read the following.The surface of the Earth, is what is called a two dimensional space. That is, you can move on the surface of the Earth, in two directions at right angles to each other you can move north south, or east west. But of course, there is a third direction at right angles to these two, and that is up or down. That is to say, the surface of the Earth exists in three-dimensional space. The three dimensional space is flat. That is to say, it obeys Euclidean geometry. The angles of a triangle, add up to a hundred and eighty degrees.However, one could imagine a race of two dimensional creatures, who could move about on the surface of the Earth, but who couldn't experience the third direction, of up or down. They wouldn't know about the flat three-dimensional space, in which the surface of the Earth lives.For them, space would be curved, and geometry would be non-Euclidean.What It's like ripley's show huh???
Friday, June 13, 2008
Is euclidean principle wrong?
Is euclidean principle wrong?I will explain the previous post with an example.Consider, for example, the surface of the Earth.The nearest thing to a straight line on the surface of the Earth, is what is called, a great circle.These are the shortest paths between two points, so they are the roots that air lines use.Consider now the triangle on the surface of the Earth, made up of the equator, the line of 0 degrees longitude through London, and the line of 90 degrees longtitude through Bangladesh. The two lines of longitude, meet the equator at a right angle 90 degrees. The twolines of longitude also meet each other at the north pole, at aright angle, or 90 degrees. Thus one has a triangle with three right angles. The angles of this triangle add up to two hundred and seventy degrees. This is greater than the hundred and eighty degrees, for a triangle on a flat surface. If one drew a triangle on a saddle shaped surface, one would find that the angles added up to less than a hundred and eighty degrees.
Science:Space and time warps
One of my favorite topics is the space and time warps.They are really interesting.i will explain about them.In science fiction, space and time warps are a commonplace. They are used for rapid journeys around the galaxy.The idea that space and time can be curved, or warped, is fairly recent. For more than two thousand years, the axioms of Euclidean geometry, were considered to be self evident. As those of you that were forced to learn Euclidean geometry at school may remember, one of the consequences of these axioms is, that the angles of a triangle, add up to a hundred and 80 degrees.However, in the last century, people began to realize that other forms of geometry were possible, in which the angles of a triangle, need not add up to a hundred and 80 degrees.Mind blowing na.
Friday, June 6, 2008
new to blogging
I heard about blogging from my friends. I found its exciting features and wanna try it out
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